lunes, 8 de octubre de 2007

A lo CubAno!

Sorry Folks, it's been a loooooooong while since I wrote last time, but i've been busy...let's start from the begining of the end:
After Örebro, to land at home felt great, but just had time to pack and take the next fight to Cuba (poor me..., he!). and there started a great trip with Heidi.
Cuba is amazing, the landscape is awesome and you can find the oddest professions in the street. The people are quite divided concerning the system and current situation, which has great things (free health and education) and quite nasty ones (no freedom, chance to leave the island...); but besides Castro's opinion, they are great, with an endless sense of humor and bloody hell, they know how to dance (that's why heidi and me started once in Toledo a dancing course 2/week...don't laught!).
we travelled as much as we could. We went climbing to Viñales (first things first) and then "living la vida loca" in between mojitos and coffee plantations. Difficult to tell you all without writing too much. Just some pictures will do the trick.Old Havana, fuc*ing scary to live in one of those houses when raining
Viñales Valley

Climbing in Viñales
El Cobre, nice little village close to Santiago de Cuba
Baracoa, east cost with our friend Ianbike trip in Trinidad with monzon rain in the background
Mouth-fishing at Varadero beach
Sunset at Varadero the night before we came back

once back in toledo, i had a busy week. I'm still analysing some samples with a borrowed microscope and climbing a bit (pic of me 70km from home).

I hope everything goes great for all of you. i miss you in spite of the happiness that souround me
over here. Mua!